While in grades 2 through 4 my brother and sister-in-law, Dave and Marlane noticed that their daughter, Jodi, was having extreme difficulty with reading, spelling and writing. She was now 11 and going into the 5th grade and feeling pretty low.
Over the years they had sought help from her teachers and school, got her into Special Ed classes, had her tested through the University system and even had her attend a specialized school for children with reading disabilities. Specialized doctors could find no problems. Many hours were spent trying to find someone, something, anything to help her. Everyone tried his or her best. But after all that work, hers, her parents, her older sisters, her teachers, they knew that it had little affect as she fell farther behind, became more angry and confused. Jodi’s self confidence faltered, and they as parents began to feel helpless. They had to find an answer.
Boy, did they find the answer! Marlane was at the library one day and found a small paperback book entitled “THE GIFT OF DYSLEXIA” by Ronald D. Davis. At home as she read the book, she exclaimed over and over, “This is Jodi!
After reading the book several times they contacted the Davis Reading and Research Council in San Francisco about their counseling program. They quoted that their success rate was 97% for the 30-hour session. They then contacted people who had gone through the program and all feedback was 100% positive. In 30 hours? They’ll admit they were a bit skeptical. Maybe more than a bit. They decided on the counseling.
Jodi went through the course the first week of school. Dave and Marlane say they may never again see such an amazing event happen to a child as what they saw happen to Jodi that Monday morning. She was shown how to discover and use her “MINDS EYE.” Within 5 minutes she read a paragraph of 6th grade reading!!! She knew how to “turn off” her disorientation and confusion. The look on her face was that of 11 Christmases and Birthdays combined! She was on her way. By the end of that day working with her counselor and making the alphabet out of clay, she could close her eyes and say the alphabet backwards! I couldn’t do that.
The rest of the week was working with clay to create pictures for her “trigger” words and practicing using her “mind’s eye.” (Trigger words are words that don’t associate with a picture.)
The results:
- Jodi went back to her regular school.
- Jodi said school/homework was much easier!
- Jodi improved her grades!
- Jodi could write well!
- Jodi could do several tasks without forgetting!
- Jodi cleaned her room, did chores without reminding!
- Her self-confidence and esteem went way up!
- Jodi totally improved and became a happy young girl!
- Her parents are still astonished and relieved!
- Jodi made the honor roll throughout 6th and 7th grade and is currently attending a charter school for advanced students because regular school was too easy.
The program that Jodi has been through believes that dyslexia is a result of an inherent mental gift or talent. People who develop dyslexia think and learn with pictures, rather than words; they are imaginative and/or creative; and they try to solve problems by looking at the whole picture, rather than working step-by-step. This approach to correcting dyslexia relies on using the mental talents that dyslexic people have in common to overcome the learning and reading problems. To do this, dyslexics must learn and follow a different path to learning.
When dyslexics recognize their mental talents, and begin using them, they develop a renewed sense and feeling of self-esteem and confidence. When they start to employ study methods, which capitalize on their talents, progress is very rapid.
Some of the ways that this approach differs from other programs are:
The program does not rely on instruction based on phonics.
Since dyslexics think in pictures, they have difficulty thinking with the sounds of words, and thus it is difficult for them to try to read by breaking words down into component sounds.
The program does not employ repetition or drill.
Dyslexics have a hard time remembering things that they do not fully understand. Repetition and drill becomes a waste of time for them, and only increases their frustration because they will not retain information unless they understand where it fits into the big picture.
The program does not rely on physical devices such as colored overlays or large print books.
Dyslexia is a developmental learning problem, and is not a result of problems with vision or hearing. While some physical devices may seem to make reading or writing easier, the use of such devices do not help the dyslexic to function normally.
The program does not rely on medications or herbal treatments.
It is important for dyslexics to take control of their own learning. Since dyslexia is not a disease or a psychiatric ailment, medications are not appropriate and will only hinder the persons learning abilities.
After seeing the results gained by this program, that to me, had a simple answer to what is a complex problem, I decided to attend workshops, training and certification classes to learn how it works and be able to help dyslexics myself. I have again seen successful results not only with reading but also in the areas of math, attention deficit problems and even bed wetting.
That small book changed their lives. The book outlines, step by step, a method you can even use at home to “correct” dyslexic symptoms. If your child, yourself, or anyone you know wants to, but has trouble reading, GET THAT SMALL BOOK!! DYSLEXICS ARE GIFTED!!
Available in paperback, audio book, and Kindle/Nook on Amazon. ORDER ONLINE HERE